Honestly not a huge fan. Does it live up to the massive hype building all year? Nah not really. The single player campaign is a blast but after that the multiplayer coop is laggy and disappointing, especially with everyone always running off and just doign their own things instead of focusing the objectives. Hope the dlcs will make it better.
Marvel's Avengers is a new acción, marvel game available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, XBox One, XBox Series S/X, developed and published by Square Enix. Marvel's Avengers released in North America September 4, 2020, with other territories having the same or similar release dates. Marvel's Avengers currently has 1 review on SnipCritic, and is awaiting additional reviews before its review score can be calculated and available. Marvel's Avengers copyright © Square Enix. SnipCritic has made a concerted effort in asserting the validity of information herein, but this information may have changed between the time this statement was created and the current date; SnipCritic cannot be held responsible for incorrect or invalid data. To modify or correct these details, please log in with a publisher account and submit the necessary changes.